Research Papers

Title Author Journals/ Conference
Study of Organic and In-organic Mulching on Drip Irrigated Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L) Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Vol. 9(4) of Contemporary Research in India, A Peer-Reviewed Multi Disciplinary International Journal, (ISSN 2231-2137): Vol. 9: Issue: 4 Dec., 2019 , pp-1-4 (
Study of Organic and In-organic Mulching on Drip Irrigated Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L) in Vol. 9(4) of Contemporary Research in India Prof. A.S. Patwardhan A Peer-Reviewed Multi Disciplinary International Journal.
Preparation of Soil Map of Gangapur Sub Catchment Using Laboratory Test, Remote Sensing and GIS Technology Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Progressive Research–An International Journal, Volume.11 (Special Issue) 2016
Design of Flood and Drain Vertical Hydroponic System Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-1, Mar. 2016, pp-19-28
Estimation of Best Combination of Low Cost Lining Materials to Reduce Seepage Losses from Reservoir. Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-3, Oct. 2015, pp-53-58
Preparation of Soil Map Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-3, Oct. 2014, pp-13-19
Effect of Moisture Content on Gravimetric & Frictional Properties of Ridge Gourd Seed. Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-2, July 2014, pp-33-41
Effect of Fertigation and Irrigation Scheduling on Growth and Yield of Cucumber. Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-1, April 2014, pp-9-14
Effect of Mulching on Drip Irrigated Cucumber. Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Journal of Agriculture Research and Technology, vol.39(2), May 2014, pp-278-281
Effect of fertigation through drip on emission uniformity. Prof. A.S. Patwardhan Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities, Pune, in Vol.33 (2):278-279, 2008.
Cost Economics of cucumber as influenced by fertigation through drip. Prof. A.S.Patwardhan Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities, Pune, in Vol.33 (3):347-350, 2008.
Development & Quality Evaluation of Jelly Prepared from Guava Blended with Pomegranate Prof. D. S. Mondhe Iconic Research and Engineering Journals Vol. 2(6). Dec., 2018
Development and quality evaluation of unriped Mango and Aloe-veraRTS beverage Prof. D. S. Mondhe & Prof. G. D. Patil Intrnational Jounal of Processing and Post harvest Technology Vol. 9 (1) Jul. 2018.
Development of Bullock Drawn Dry Paddy Seed cum Fertilizer Drill Prof.A.S.Patil International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research,Vol.2 No.3, pp 14-21
Design, Development and Testing of Hand Held Vegetable Transplanter Prof.A.S.Patil International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol.3 No.1, pp 247-253
Study on Energy conservation and Audit P.S.Bodke,A.N.Shinde,A.V.Zoman IJMER, Vol. Issue 4, April 2015
Effect of packaging materials on sensory evaluation of osmotically treated papaya Prof. D. S. Mondhe International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology
Studies on Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Biscuit Prepared from Composite Flour of Green Gram, Wheat and Maize Prof. D. S. Mondhe, Prof. G. D. Patil and Prof. M. V. Yewale International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research
Studies on Osmotic Dehydration of Carrot Slices Prof. D. S. Mondhe, Prof. S. S. Deshmukh and Prof. S. E. Shinde Iconic Research & Engineering Journal(an International Peer-Reviewed Journal).
‘Studies on Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Biscuit Prepared from Composite Flour of Green Gram, Wheat and Maize Prof. D. S. Mondhe & Prof. G. D. Patil International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research

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K.K.Wagh College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Saraswati nagar, Panchavati, Nashik - 422 003.
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