Teaching Staff

# Name of staff Department Designation E-mail ID
Dr. H.V. Deshmukh I/C Principal I/c Principal [email protected]
Mr. Shinde Anil Nivrutti Farm Machinery and Power Engg Asst. Professor [email protected]
Mr. Nikam Sagar Sarjerao Computer Engineering Asst. Professor [email protected]
Ms. Kadam Ashatai Tanaji Mathematics Asst. Professor [email protected]
Mrs. Kare Shweta Amol Mathematics Asst. Professor [email protected]
Mr. Mondhe Dnyaneshwar Santu Agril Process Engg. Asst. Professor [email protected]
Mr. Patil Ganesh Deochand Agril Process Engg. Asst. Professor [email protected]
Ms. Gawali Jayashri Dundiram Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry Asst. Professor [email protected]
Mr. Gadge Nilesh Kondhibhau Farm Machinery and Power Sr.Res.Asst. [email protected]
Prof . S.E. Shinde IDE Assistant Professor [email protected]
Prof. A.R.Pawar Physics Assistant Professor [email protected]
Prof. N. R. Kolhe SWCE Asst. Professor [email protected]
Prof. P. D. Raut FMPE Assistant Professor [email protected]
Dr. Omkar Karpe REE Asst. Professor [email protected]
Prof. A.B. Pawar Farm Structure Assistant Professor [email protected]
Prof. A.S. Ahire Computer Engg. Assistant Professor [email protected]
Prof. R.R. Surve SWCE Assistant Professor [email protected]

Major Recruiters

K.K.Wagh College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Saraswati nagar, Panchavati, Nashik - 422 003.
Ph: (0253) 2555201, 2555203 Email: [email protected]