Prof. D. S. Mondhe attended Krishi Pandhari-An Agricultural Exhibition held at Sangli during 23rd – 24th Feb. 2020.
Prof. A.S. Patwardhan delivered expert lecture on Micro-Irrigation at ASEAN agri-clinic and Agri-Business Training Center, Ozar Mig, Niphad, Nashik
Prof. A.S. Patwardhan attended 54th Annual Convention of ISAE and International Symposium on “Artificial Intelligence Based Future Technologies in Agriculture” jointly organized by ISAE & MPKV, Rahuri at Pune during 7th to 9th Jan. 2020
Prof. D. S. Mondhe, attended on day workshop on “Advances in Gas Chromatography and Spectrometry”
jointly Organized by KKW College of Agriculture and BSR Technology, Nashik on 13 th January, 2018.
Prof. G. D. Patil attended ICAR Sponsored National Conference on “Agro-Processing Based
Entrepreneurship Development for Sustainable Livelihood” at Dr. P. D. K. V. Akola during 22-23 February
• Prof. A. S. Patwardhan, Prof. A. N. Shinde & Prof. N. K. Gadge, Assistant Professor, K. K. Wagh College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Nashik attended AIMA (Ambad Industries and Manufacturer’s Association) Index Exhibition and showcased students projects in the Exhibition held at Dongare Vastigruh, Gangapur Road, Nashik during 18th to 21st January, 2018.
Mr. Shubham Gavhane won 4th Consolation prize at Hutatma Shivram Hri Rajguru College of Rajgurunagar ,Pune. For Elocution Competition
Mr. Shubham Gavhane won 2rd Consolation prize at State Level Rajarshi Shahu Krishi Karandak Elocution Competition 2017-18 held at College of Agriculture Kolhapur on 28th and 29th June 2017.
Hanumant jawanjal, Harshada thakare Suvarna kale
For ranking 2nd consolated in Group Dance event held in SPARDHA’ 18 Competition at VAMNICOM , Pune on 10th and 11th March 2018.
Ms. Saloni Nawale, T. Y. B. Tech. student selected for ‘National level Rashtriya Ekatmata Camp’, Mangrul, Karnataka on 13th March, 2018.
K.K.Wagh College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
Saraswati nagar, Panchavati,
Nashik - 422 003.
Ph: (0253) 2555201, 2555203
Email: [email protected]