Title | Author | Journals/ Conference |
Study of Organic and In-organic Mulching on Drip Irrigated Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L) | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Vol. 9(4) of Contemporary Research in India, A Peer-Reviewed Multi Disciplinary International Journal, (ISSN 2231-2137): Vol. 9: Issue: 4 Dec., 2019 , pp-1-4 (www.contemporaryresearchindia.net) |
Study of Organic and In-organic Mulching on Drip Irrigated Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L) in Vol. 9(4) of Contemporary Research in India | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | A Peer-Reviewed Multi Disciplinary International Journal. |
Preparation of Soil Map of Gangapur Sub Catchment Using Laboratory Test, Remote Sensing and GIS Technology | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Progressive Research–An International Journal, Volume.11 (Special Issue) 2016 |
Design of Flood and Drain Vertical Hydroponic System | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-1, Mar. 2016, pp-19-28 |
Estimation of Best Combination of Low Cost Lining Materials to Reduce Seepage Losses from Reservoir. | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-3, Oct. 2015, pp-53-58 |
Preparation of Soil Map Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technology | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-3, Oct. 2014, pp-13-19 |
Effect of Moisture Content on Gravimetric & Frictional Properties of Ridge Gourd Seed. | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-2, July 2014, pp-33-41 |
Effect of Fertigation and Irrigation Scheduling on Growth and Yield of Cucumber. | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Belgrade Zemun, SERBIA, No-1, April 2014, pp-9-14 |
Effect of Mulching on Drip Irrigated Cucumber. | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Journal of Agriculture Research and Technology, vol.39(2), May 2014, pp-278-281 |
Effect of fertigation through drip on emission uniformity. | Prof. A.S. Patwardhan | Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities, Pune, in Vol.33 (2):278-279, 2008. |
Cost Economics of cucumber as influenced by fertigation through drip. | Prof. A.S.Patwardhan | Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities, Pune, in Vol.33 (3):347-350, 2008. |
Development & Quality Evaluation of Jelly Prepared from Guava Blended with Pomegranate | Prof. D. S. Mondhe | Iconic Research and Engineering Journals Vol. 2(6). Dec., 2018 |
Development and quality evaluation of unriped Mango and Aloe-veraRTS beverage | Prof. D. S. Mondhe & Prof. G. D. Patil | Intrnational Jounal of Processing and Post harvest Technology Vol. 9 (1) Jul. 2018. |
Development of Bullock Drawn Dry Paddy Seed cum Fertilizer Drill | Prof.A.S.Patil | International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research,Vol.2 No.3, pp 14-21 |
Design, Development and Testing of Hand Held Vegetable Transplanter | Prof.A.S.Patil | International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol.3 No.1, pp 247-253 |
Study on Energy conservation and Audit | P.S.Bodke,A.N.Shinde,A.V.Zoman | IJMER, Vol. Issue 4, April 2015 |
Effect of packaging materials on sensory evaluation of osmotically treated papaya | Prof. D. S. Mondhe | International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology |
Studies on Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Biscuit Prepared from Composite Flour of Green Gram, Wheat and Maize | Prof. D. S. Mondhe, Prof. G. D. Patil and Prof. M. V. Yewale | International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research |
Studies on Osmotic Dehydration of Carrot Slices | Prof. D. S. Mondhe, Prof. S. S. Deshmukh and Prof. S. E. Shinde | Iconic Research & Engineering Journal(an International Peer-Reviewed Journal). |
‘Studies on Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Biscuit Prepared from Composite Flour of Green Gram, Wheat and Maize | Prof. D. S. Mondhe & Prof. G. D. Patil | International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research |
K.K.Wagh College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
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